Research fields:
History of modern art, history of photography, museology
Research themes:
Considering the possibility of visual art after the Age of Mechanical Reproduction based on actual works and materials.
Main books and papers:
◆“10th Anniversary of The Great East Japan Earthquake: AKASHI testaments”(Co-authorship, INSCRIPT, 2021)
◆“Shashin-bunri-ha Sengen” (Photo-Secession Tokyo Manifesto) (Co-authorship, Seigensha, 2012)
◆“Snapshot: Shashin no Kagayaki” (Snapshot: The Glance of Photographs) (Taishukan Shoten, 2010)
◆“Han Shashin-ron” (Anti-Photography Theory) (published by Osiris, distributed by Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 1999)