Professor IDA Masamichi commented on The Mainichi, “Japan’s voters put nuclear energy on back burner despite safety worries”

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Voters are likely to focus on rising utility bills rather than Japan's future energy policy when they head to the polls in ...

Mathematicians and computers, complementing each other to reach the pinnacle of thought

Information processing technology, including AI, is making rapid progress and increasing its presence in various areas, from business to cre ...

Japan’s floriculture and its genetic resources have been and will continue to be globally important

From March through September 2027, the International Horticultural Expo 2027, Yokohama, Japan (GREEN × EXPO 2027) will be held at the site ( ...

How should the transition to renewables and EVs be promoted for decarbonization?

Mitigating global warming is arguably the greatest challenge of the 21st century. The Paris Agreement was signed in 2015 to limit the averag ...

Unknown battle between paternal grandparents and maternal grandparents having grandchildren in China amid the declining birthrate

The declining birthrate and aging population are out of control in Japan. Neighboring China is also facing a serious declining birthrate. Ch ...

Unveiling the origins of elements and the evolution of the universe through X-ray astronomy

Why, after the birth of the universe, is humanity like us able to exist in it? Observing the universe provides many clues to help us answer ...

How should teachers approach teaching the new ‘Public’ subject in the senior high school Civics curriculum?

The National Curriculum Standards established by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology are revised every ten ye ...

Closing in on the possibilities of Escherichia coli genome research, the key to unlocking the phenomena of life

In the past, Escherichia coli (E. coli) was treated as a model organism for understanding the mechanism of the propagation of living organis ...

Exploring the optimal solution to break away from deflationary spiral by comparing the financial environment of Japan and the U.S.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida indicated that he will “definitely establish the wage rises which exceed price increases after 2025” at the end ...