List of Articles

Finding Refined Japanese Expressions in the Writings of Foreign Missionaries

During recent years, news about the popularity of Japanese literature overseas has been increasing. However, its creators are not only Japan ...

Tora ni Tsubasa” heroine modeled after Meiji University graduate! Exploring the history of women’s education with Japan’s first female lawyer, MIBUCHI Yoshiko

“Tora ni Tsubasa”, NHK serial morning drama, known as “Asadora,” started in April 2024. The drama is an original story based on the true sto ...

Issue of politics, religion, and discrimination behind the abortion debate in the U.S.

In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (the Dobbs decision), invalidated Roe v. Wade decision ...

Will everyone be considered suspicious by surveillance cameras?

We hear the term “surveillance society” more often nowadays. Originally, the term was mainly used with the authoritarian states that monitor ...

The imminent need to transform public spaces is a big opportunity to enrich cities

Technological development and the COVID-19 pandemic have greatly changed the shape of cities. Public spaces, in particular, are attracting m ...

Prospects for fan culture and intellectual property law: game commentary, character cakes, and cosplay

There have been a series of cases where individuals have been arrested for secondary use of content from movies, anime, and games without pe ...

Introduced on Nature “research highlight”, “Bitter taste receptors are even older than scientists thought” by Dr. ITOIGAWA, Senior Assistant Prof. TODA and Prof. ISHIMARU group at the School of Agriculture

Taste is a sense that detects information about nutrients and toxins in foods. Of the five basic taste qualities, bitterness is associated w ...

What is the new business of regional financial institutions since COVID-19?

Regional banks and Shinkin banks are in a difficult situation because of the accelerated profitability drop due to the low interest rate pol ...

New video “Algae,” the Key to Creating a Decarbonized New Era is released at “Incredible Senseis at Meiji University,” a video series showcasing Meiji’s world-class research

Meiji University creates a series of promotional videos, “Incredible Senseis at Meiji University,” and a landing page to tell the world abou ...