

Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology,
Meiji University

SDGs theme

Research fields:
Material science, material mechanics, optical measurement

Research themes:
Research on microstructure and mechanical behavior of materials, development of new materials, research on non-contact deformation measurement technology using lasers, etc., development of non-destructive inspection technology

Main books and papers:
◆Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry with Optimum Image Extraction for Deformation Measurement under Environmental Disturbance (Joint authorship) Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering,Vol.6 (6), ,pp.634-644, 2012
◆“Tanso Chisso Mutenka Fe-12Ni-9Co-10W Osutenaito Goukin no Aruminaizu Syori niyoru FeAl Himaku Seisei to Suijouki Sanka Kyodou” (The Effect of Aluminizing Treatment on the FeAl Coating Formation and Steam Oxidation Behavior of Carbon-Nitrogen Free Fe-12Ni-9Co-10W Austenite Alloy) (Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, Vol. 73 No. 4) (Joint authorship/2009)
◆“Tanso Chisso Mutenka Fe-12Ni-9Co-10W Osutenaito Goukin no Aruminaizu Syori niyoru FeAl Goukin Himaku Keisei Katei” (The Effect of Aluminizing Treatment on the Process of FeAl Coating Formation of Carbon-Nitrogen Free Fe-12Ni-9Co-10W Austenite Alloy) (Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, Vol. 73 No. 9) (Joint authorship/2009)
◆“Kyokusyotekifuka niyori Shoujiru Soseihenkeiryouiki no Supekkuru Kansyouhou wo Mochiita Kanni Kensyutsu” (A Simple Method for Detecting a Plastic Deformation Region Formed by Local Loading Using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI)) (Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A ed. Vol. 77 No. 775) (Joint authorship/2011)