Research fields:
History, politics and peace studies
Research themes:
Japanese modern political and military history, colonial history, civil-military relations history, and security theories
Main books and papers:
◆Total War and Japan: Reality and Limitations of the Establishment of the Japanese Total War System, History of Global Arms Transfer, 6 (2018), pp.61-72
◆“Boso suru Jieitai” (Runaway Self-Defense Forces) Chikumashobo/Chikuma Shinsho, 2016
◆“Nihon Kofuku” (Surrender of Japan) Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2013
◆“Tanaka Giichi Soryokusen Kokka no Sendosha” (Giichi Tanaka: Leader of All-Out War Nation) Fuyo Shobo, 2009
◆“Bunmin Tosei Jieitai wa Dokoe Ikunoka” (Civilian Control: Where Are the Self-Defense Forces going?) Iwanami Shoten, 2005
◆“Kindai Nihon Seigun Kankei no Kenkyu” (Study of Modern Japanese Civil-Military Relations) Iwanami Shoten, 2005
◆“Shinryaku Senso Rekishi Jijitsu to Rekishi Ninshiki” (Aggressive War: Historical Facts and Historical Awareness) Chikumashobo/Chikuma Shinsho, 1999