Research fields:
Behavioral economics, social informatics
Research themes:
Research into behavioral economics, experimental economics, cooperative behavior, and altruistic behavior
Main books and papers:
◆“Kosei Sekai Shinnen ga Appusutorimu Gokeiteki Kyoryoku ni Ataeru Eikyo no Kento” ( Effects of a belief in a just world on upstream reciprocity) Coauthor, “Shakai Shinrigaku Kenkyu” [Studies in Social Psychology] vol. 36 no. 2, pp. 31 – 38, 2020
◆“Onrain Jo ni Okeru Gemu Jikken Kankyo no Kaihatsu (Keizoku)” (The Development of Experimental Environments in Online Games (Continue)) “Kenkyu Chosa Josei Hokokusho” [Report on Research Grants] vol. 35, pp. 1 – 11, The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, 2020
◆“ICT o Mochiita Najji no Katsuyo: Minami-Sanriku-Cho ni Okeru Shigen Junkan Sokushin o Rei Toshite” (The Use of Nudge Theory Through ICT: the Example of the Promotion of Resource Recycling in Minami-Sanriku Town) Coauthor, “Gyosei & Joho Shisutemu” [Administration & Information Systems] vol. 56 no.2, pp. 31 – 37, Institute of Administrative Information Systems, 2020
◆“Shakai Keizaiteki Yoin ga Ritasei, Fubyodo Kaihisei, Shinrai ni Ataeru Eikyo: Kuraudososhingu o Mochiita Onrain Sabei Jikken ni yoru Kosatsu” (A study on the effect of the socio-economic state of altruism, inequality aversion, and trust – From online survey experiment using crowdsourcing services) “Joho Bunka Gakkaishi” [Journal of the Japan Information-culturology Society] vol. 26 no. 2, pp. 3 – 10, 2020