
HANDA Takashi

Professor, School of Agriculture,
Meiji University

SDGs theme

Research fields:
Agriculture, floricultural science

Research themes:
Genetic analysis and use of floricultural genetic resources

Genetic resources, genetic markers, salt tolerance, flower fragrance, flower longevity

Main books and papers:
◆“Distribution, ecology, and adaptation to salinity stress of wild Hydrangea macrophylla endemic to Japan” Plant Ecology (on line), 2024
DOI : 10.1007/s11258-024-01433-6
◆“Contribution of the Rhododendron ripense Makino chloroplast genome to the development of evergreen azalea cultivars” The Horticulture Journal 90 : 223-231, 2021
◆“Nihon Gensan Kaki Idenshigen no Hozen to Riyo” (Conservation and use of floricultural genetic resources native to Japan) Agriculture and Horticulture 93 (8): 685-697, 2018 (in Japanese)
◆“Morphological and simple sequence repeat analysis to clarify the diversity of natural Lilium japonicum and L. auratum hybrids in the hybrid zone of the Izu peninsula, Japan” The Horticulture Journal 87 : 115-123, 2018
◆“Genetic diversity of Lilium auratum var. platyphyllum endemic to the Izu archipelago and its relationship to a nearby population of L. auratum var. auratum by morphological and SSR analysis” The Horticulture Journal 86: 379-388, 2017
◆“Engeishu kara Yaseishu eno Idenshi Inyu: Oyamatsutsuji wo Rei ni” (Gene transfer from garden species to wild species: with the example of Rhododendron transiens) Journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 77: 272-273, 2013 (in Japanese)