Research fields:
Agricultural policy of postwar Japan
Research themes:
Study of development status of policy for less favored areas in Japan and empirical analysis of the economic background
Main books and papers:
◆“Naihatsuteki Noson Hattenron – Riron to Jissen” (Theory of Intrinsic Development of Rural Areas – Theory and Practice) (Joint authorship and editorship) Agriculture and Forestry Statistics Publishing, 2018
◆“Chusankan Chokusetsu Shiharai Seido to Nosanson Saisei” (Direct Payment System for Hilly and Mountainous Areas and Regeneration of Rural Areas) Tsukuba-shobo, 2016
◆“Agriculture in Less-Favored Areas and Rural Policy in the Present-day Japan” Association of Agriculture and Forestry Statistics, 2008
◆“Symbiotic Agriculture System in Hilly and Mountainous Areas” (Joint authorship) Association of Agriculture and Forestry Statistics, 2006