Research fields:
American economic history
Research themes:
American immigration policy, history of technical assistance
Main books and papers:
◆“America ni Totte Imin to wa Nani ka?” (What is Immigration to America?), “Mexico Kokkyo no Kabe wa Imin Mondai o Kaiketsu Suru ka?” (Will the Border Wall with Mexico Solve the Immigration Problem?) in “Nyumon America Keizai Q & A 100” (Introductory American Economy: 100 Q & A), pages 34 – 35 and 178 – 179 (edited by Takeshi Sakade, Eiichi Akimoto, and Kazusei Kato) Chuo Keizai, 2019
◆“1920 Nendai America Imin Seisaku ni Okeru Kigyo Keieisha – Keizaishi oyobi Rodo Keizaigaku no Imin Kenkyu no Doko kara” (American Employers and Immigration Policies of the 1920s: Research Trends in Immigration Studies in Economic History and Labor Economics) in “Seikei Ronso” (The Review of Economics & Political Science) No.87 (1,2), pages 65 – 90, 2019
◆“America 1924 Nen Iminho no Seitei ni Okeru Keieisha Dantai no Torikumi – Zenkoku Sangyo Kyogi Iinkai no ‘Imin Kaigi’ (1923 Nen) no Kento o Tsujite” (Employer attitudes toward the Immigration Act of 1924: an analysis of the NICB’s national immigration conference) in “Shakai Keizaishigaku” (Socio-Economic History) No. 80 (1), pages 15 – 35, 2014