Research fields:
Educational anthropology, educational ideology
Research themes:
(1) Educational ideology research focusing on Critical theory in America
(2) Pedagogical re-examination of the concept of moral autonomy
(3) Construction of political educational anthropology
[Keywords] Autonomy and heteronomy, care, modernity
Main books and papers:
◆“Kyoiku Genri” (Education Principles) (Co-author) Minerva Shobo, 2018
◆“Waaku de Manabu Kyoikukateiron” (Curriculum Theory Learned from Work) (Co-author) Nakanishiya Shoten, 2018
◆“Kyoiku Shiso Jiten [Zohokaiteiban]” (Encyclopedia of Educational Thoughts and Ideas [Enlarged and Revised Edition]) (Headword author) Keiso Shobo, 2017
◆“Kyoin Yosei o Toinaosu Seido, Jissen, Riron” (Re-Questioning a Teacher Training: Systems, Practice and Theory) (Co-author and coeditor) Toyokan Publishing, 2016
◆“‘Amae’ to ‘Jiritsu’ no Kyoikugaku Kea, Dotoku, Kankeisei” (Pedagogy of ‘Autonomy’ and ‘Amae (Dependence): Care, Morals, Relationships’) (Co-author) Seori Shobo, 2015