Research fields:
Literature, culture and society in modern Japan
Research themes:
Study on literary arts in modern Japan, illness and human culture, Japanese view of life and death, Takuboku Ishikawa
Japanese modern culture, cultural history of illness and human beings, Japanese view of life and death
Main books and papers:
◆“Takuboku Sakuhin kara Kekkaku o Yomitoku – Dansei no Higeki Monogatari to Unmei no Kami kara Kagaku no Omomi eno Henka -” (Reading Tuberculosis from Takuboku’s Works: Men’s Tragic Tales and the Change from God of Fate to the Weight of Science), Shakai Bungaku, No. 55, pp. 31-44, Association for Japanese Social Literature, 2022
◆“Ishikawa Takuboku no Shosetsu ‘Sekiri’ Ron – Kanosei o Himeta Ekibyo Bungaku -” (Treatise on Takuboku Ishikawa’s Novel ‘Dysentery’: Plague Literature with Potential), Nihon Bungaku, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 27-37, Japanese Literature Association, 2021
◆“Kindai no Ekibyo kara Koronaka no Ima o Kangaeru” (Thinking about the Present of the COVID-19 Pandemic from Modern Epidemics) Shokuminchi Bunka Kenkyu, No. 20, pp.162-164, Colonial Culture Society, 2021
◆“Ishikawa Takuboku Sono Sanbun to Shiso” (Takuboku Ishikawa: His Prose and Thought), Sekaishisosha, 2008
◆“Ishikawa Takuboku Kokusaisei eno Shiza” (Takuboku Ishikawa: A Perspective on Internationalism), Oufu, 2006