Research fields:
Production systems, horticulture, measurement engineering
Research themes:
Crop production in suburban facilities with the aim of labor saving, environmental stress and plant physiology and ecology, efficient crop production in vertical farms
Main books and papers:
◆“Shokubutsu Kojo – Seisan Shokubutsu no Sentei no tame no Kosatsu” (Vertical Farm: An Examination of Production Vegetable Selection) Johokiko, 2012
◆“Shokubutsu Kojo Taizen” (A Complete Work on Vertical Farms) (Joint authorship) Nikkei BP, 2010
◆TV appearance: NHK Educational TV “Tesuto no Hanamichi” (Passageway to Tests)
◆TV appearance: TV Tokyo “Tokoton Hatena” (Why from Top to Tail), etc.