Research fields:
Theater study, Modern Japanese drama
Research themes:
Studies on characteristics of Japanese theater, focusing on modern plays and the modernization of traditional theater.
Modern era, Theater, Women, Traditional performing arts, Contemporary drama
Main books and papers:
◆“Scenario ‘Tsuka-ban Chushingura’ Messhi Gata no Jiko-hyoshutsu” (Script of the ‘Tsuka-version of The Treasury of Loyal Retainers’, Sacrifising-style Self-expression) (Joint authorship, “Tsuka Kohei no Sekai – Kesareta ‘Chi’” (The World of Kohei Tsuka – ‘Knowledge’ Vanished) Shakai Hyoron Sha, 2019)
◆“‘Yume – Tochuken-Ushiemon no’ – ‘Han-Rekishigeki’ no Katari” (‘Dream of Tochuken-Ushiemon’ – Narrative of ‘Anti Historical Play’) (Joint authorship, “Kakumei Densetsu – Miyamoto Ken no Gekisekai” (Revolutionary Legend – The World of Ken Miyamoto’s Theater) Shakai Hyoron Sha, 2017)
◆“‘Onna Sarugaku’ to Kiuchi Tei – Kindai Gikyoku no ‘Onna-mono-gurui’” (‘Female Sarugaku’ and Tei Kiuchi – ‘Mad Woman’ in Modern Plays) (Joint authorship, “Kindai Nihon to Nohgaku” (Modern Japan and Nohgaku), Noh Theatre Research Institute of Hosei University, 2017)
◆“Nohgaku ‘Hakken’” (‘Kishida Kunio’s explanation of Japanese Noh theater) (Joint authorship, “Kishida Kunio no Sekai” (The World of Kunio Kishida), Kan-rin Syobo 2010)
◆“Osanai Kaoru to ‘Reikon no Chokoku’ – ‘Shochoteki Engeki’ to shite no Noh -” (Kaoru Osanai and ‘Sculpture of the Soul’ – an interpretation of Noh and symbolic theater) Meiji University Bungeikenkyu No. 98, 2006
◆“Komachi no ‘Sei’ wo Egaku – Tsumura Kimiko no Shinsaku Noh ‘Fumigara’ -” (The Image of Fluttering Cherry Blossoms in the World of the New Noh Play, Fumigara) (Journal of the Japan Society for Theatre Research “Engekigaku Ronshu” (Theatre Studies, Journal of Japanese Society for Theatre Research) No. 43, 2005)
◆“Dupon-Jo no Nou – Josei ni yoru Buyo to Noh -” ( Noh performance by Catherine du Pont : Female Noh in the context of the modern dance) Meiji University Bungeikenkyu No. 95, 2005
◆“Ennoh no ‘Jasutisu’ wo Motomete – Nougaku no Teigeki Shutsuen Mondai -” (Searching ‘Justice’ in Playing Noh – Concerns over Nohgaku Appearance in the Imperial Theatre) “Taisho Engeki Kenkyu” (Study of Theatre in the Taisho Era) No. 8, 2000
◆“Joryu Nou no Paionia – Tsumura Kimiko no Seishun -” (A Pioneer of Female Noh – The Youth of Kimiko Tsumura) (Joint authorship, “Taisho no Engeki to Toshi” (Theater and Cities in the Taisho Era), Musashino Shobo, 1991)