Research fields:
Educational psychology
Research themes:
Elucidation of the effects of explanatory activities on understanding, and their cognitive mechanisms; examination of the process and characteristics of explanatory activities in classrooms
Main books and papers:
◆“Manabi wo Tsukuru, Manabi wo Sasaeru” (Creating Learning, Supporting Learning) (Joint authorship) Ichigeisha, 2020
◆“Kyoshi no Tame no Setsumei-jissen no Shinrigaku” (Explanatory Psychology for Teachers) (Joint authorship) Nakanishiya Publishing, 2019
◆‘Setsumei-jokyo no Chigai ga Setsumeisha Jishin no Rikai Sokushinkoka ni Ataeru Eikyo’ (Effects of the Explanatory Situation on Explainers’ Understanding) (Joint authorship) “Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology” 67, pp. 132-141, 2019
◆“Hattatsu to Gakushu” (Development and Learning) (Joint authorship) Gakubunsha, 2018
◆“Konin-shinrishi no Tame no Setsumei-jissen no Shinrigaku” (Explanatory Psychology for Certified Psychologists) (Joint authorship) Nakanishiya Publishing, 2018
◆‘Setsumeikoi ni Okeru Kikite no Rikaijokyo ni Taisuru Suiron to Setsumeinaiyo no Kankei’ (The relation between tutor’s inferences of the tutored individual’s level of understanding and the content of their explanations within tutoring situations) (Joint authorship) “The Science of Reading” 58, pp. 17-28, 2016