Research fields:
Research themes:
U.S.-Japan relations, U.S. diplomacy
[Keywords] U.S., race, war
Doctorate (history)
Main books and papers:
◆“Jinshusenso To Iu Guwa—Kokaron To Ajiashugi” (Race War Myth—Yellow Peril and Asianism) (The University of Nagoya Press, 2017)
◆“Guru—Shin No Nihon No Tomo” (Joseph C.Grew) (Minerva Shobo, 2011)
◆“Shinto Suru Amerika, Kobamareru Amerika—Sekaishi No Naka No Amerikanizeshon” (Spreading America, Rejected America—Americanization throughout World History (Co-authored, University of Tokyo Press, 2003)
◆Japanese Pride, American Prejudice (Stanford University Press, 2001)