Research fields:
Political process, political methodology (formal models, empirical analysis, and experiments)
Research themes:
Formal and empirical considerations of public opinion formation and mechanisms of representation under democracy
Political process, political psychology, political behavior
Selected papers:
◆“The Preference-expectation Gap in Support for Female Candidates: Evidence from Japan” (Joint authorship) Public Opinion Quarterly, In Press.
◆“The Relationship Between University Education and Pro-Immigrant Attitudes Varies by Generation: Insights from Japan” (Joint authorship) International Journal of Public Opinion Research 35(4).
◆”Explaining ‘Twisted’ Preferences toward Monetary Easing in Japan: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Information Environment on the Relationship between Ideology and Policy Preferences” Senkyo Kenkyu 36 (2). (Joint authorship)
◆“When Strategic Uninformed Abstention Improves Democratic Accountability” Journal of Theoretical Politics 32(3).