Research fields:
Marketing, Brand Management, Consumer Behavior
Research themes:
Value creation for products and services
Concept, design, UX (user experience), brand management
Main books and papers:
◆Kato, T., Takenaka, N., Ito, R., & Nishiguchi, K. Selection versus scale: Loyalty Indices for brand management, Journal of Marketing Analytics, 1-18, Springer., 2022
◆Rating valence versus rating distribution: Perceived helpfulness of word of mouth in e-commerce. SN Business & Economics, 2(11), 1-24. Springer., 2022
◆Brand storytelling on websites: The Role of empathy on repurchase intentions for PCs and smartphones, Journal of Promotion Management, 29(1), 27-44. Taylor & Francis., 2022
◆Synergistic effect of matching corporate and product brand images on purchase intentions: Comparing the importance of functional and emotional value. Journal of Brand Management, 28(6), 671-684, Palgrave Macmillan., 2021
◆Contribution of concept recall to brand loyalty: An empirical analysis of design and performance, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1-10, Wiley-Blackwell., 2021