Research fields:
Geometry software
Research themes:
To develop software related to a wide range of mathematics centering on geometry. To address a wide variety of software from that intended to support mathematicians for their research to that intended to support mathematics learners in their learning.
[Keywords] Topology, mathematics software, mathematics teaching using ICT
Main books and papers:
◆“Sakuzu de Minitsuku Sokyoku-kikagaku” (Mastering Hyperbolic Geometry through Geometric Constructions) Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2016
◆“Konpyuta Kika” (Computational Geometry) Sugaku Shobo Co., Ltd., 2014
◆“Keisann de Minitsuku Topology” (Mastering Topology through Calculation Practice) Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2013