Research fields:
Philosophy of Law, Law and Literature, and Law and Science
Research themes:
Research on the law and humanities
Law and Literature, Law and Humanities, and Law and Science and Technology
Main books and papers:
◆Law and Literature: Its History and Possibilities(Keiso Shobo, 2020)
◆Legal Thought of Judge Masataro Miyake: Relationship between “Attitude toward Judicial Trial” and Performing Arts (HORITSU RONSO, pp.151-168, The Meiji Law Review, 2019)
◆Where Law Meets Abyss: Shoshana Felman’s Law and Literature Studies (HORITSU RONSO, pp.107-132, The Meiji Law Review, 2017)
◆”Mirai wo Hiraku Danjo-kyodo-sankaku – – Gender no Shiten kara” (Gender Equality That Pioneers the Future – – From the Perspective of Gender) (Joint authorship, Minerva Shobo, 2016)
◆”Iwanami Koza: Gendaiho no Dotai, Dai-rokkan, Ho to Kagaku no Kosaku” (Iwanami Koza: Dynamics of Contemporary Law, The Sixth Volume, Tangle of Law and Science) (Joint authorship, Iwanami Shoten, 2014)
◆Law as Humanities: James Boyd White’s Humanistic Study of Law The Annals of Legal Philosophy 2012 pp.201-211, Yuhikaku, 2013
◆Critique Theory and Social Theory I: Aisthesis (Aletheia Series No.13) (Joint authorship) (Ochanomizu Shobo, 2011)