Research themes:
Economic geography (researching economic and industrial geography, with a particular focus on changes in industrial location amid globalization and their relationship to the reorganization of regional structures within Japan, as well as changing agglomeration areas); the spread of renewable energy and the possibilities that it offers
Main books and papers:
◆Sangyō haichi to kigyō kūkan (“Industry Location and Corporate Space”) (Minerva Shobo, in Yada, Toshifumi (ed.) Chiiki kōzō no kiseki to tenbō [The History and Future Prospects of Regional Structure], 2005)
◆Hidaitoshiken no sangyō shūseki chiiki ni okeru chūshō kigyō no nettowāku tenkai no igi (“Implications of SME’s Networks Proposing Collective Learning in Agglomeration Areas in Non-Metropolitan Region”) (sole author; Journal of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers, 2005)
◆Itaria no chiiki kōzō – nanboku kōzō to sādo itarī no taitō (“Regional Structures in Italy: The North-South Divide and the Emergence of a Third Italy”) (University of Tokyo Press, in Matsubara, Hiroshi (ed.) Senshinkoku keizai no chiiki kōzō [The Regional Structures of Advanced Economies], 2003)
◆Yonezawashi ni okeru denki/denshi kōgyō wo meguru shakaiteki kankyō nettowāku – gyōkai gurumi no chiikiteki “gakushū” soshiki no tenkai (“Development of Extrafirm Networks of the Electronics Industry in Yonezawa City: Cases of Local Collective Learning Organization”) (sole author; Sundai Historical Review, 2002)
◆Kūkanteki bungyō – igirisu keizai shakai no risutorakucharingu (“Spatial Divisions of Labor: The Restructuring of the UK’s Economy and Society”) (co-translation of “Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social structures and the geography of production”; Kokon Shoin, 2000)