Research fields:
Legal history
Research themes:
Reception and interinfluence relationship of law, East Asia modern law, related science networks and developing human resources, Korean diaspora, and others
Main books and papers:
◆‘Meiji University, where “Civil rights attorneys, Troika” from South Korea in prewar time were produced’ (‘Hakuun Nabiku — Harukanaru Meidai Sanmyaku — Overseas students’ (Website edition), Center for the History of Meiji University, 2020)
◆‘Risan Kazoku Mondai no Rekishi to Genzai wo Tsunagu’ (Relating the history of separated family issues and the present) (“Gendai Shiso” vol. 46 no. 12, pp. 106-114, Seidosha, 2018)
◆‘Materials on the regional customs survey, the regional customs survey project, and research on customary law on the Korean Peninsula’ (“Legal History Review” vol. 67, pp. 536-537, Japan Legal History Association, 2018)
◆‘Study on the regional customs survey project in Korean Peninsula conducted by Chusuin of the Govenor-General of Korea and the survey reports: Focusing on introduction and analysis of source material owned by Korean Locked Press of Hamilton Library at the UH Manoa in the United States’ (2) (1) (“The Memoirs of the Institute for Oriental Culture” vol. 170 and others, pp. 128-134 and others, The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, 2016 and others)
◆“Boissonade & Ume 100th anniversary (Part 1) Reports” (Joint authorship, Hosei University, 2015)
◆‘A Study of the Bibliography of Korean Customs during the Period of Japanese Rule: Focusing on UCB Documents in the C. V. Starr East Asian Library’ (“The Memoirs of the Institute for Oriental Culture” vol. 165, pp. 75-117, The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, 2014)
◆‘A Study of the Bibliography of Korean Customs during the Period of Japanese Rule: Focusing on Harvard University Documents in the Possession of the Yenching Library’ (“The bulletin of arts and sciences, Meiji University” vol. 491, pp. 147-174, The publishing association of the bulletin of arts and sciences, Meiji University, 2013)
◆‘Asian students overseas’ (Joint authorship: Co-author, Center for the History of Meiji University edition “The History of Meiji University — Personages” pp. 218-229, Gakubunsha, 2011)
◆“Korean family system” (Joint authorship and joint translation: Lead author, Hosei University Press, 2008)
◆‘A formation process of divorce customary law in modern Korea: mainly on divorce in discussion’ (“Journal of Asian Cultures” Vol. 8, pp. 103-130, Gakushuin University, The Research Institute for Oriental Cultures, 2006)
◆“Korean judicial system and Ume Kenjiro” (Hosei University Press, 2005)