Research fields:
Drama, history of Western theatres
Research themes:
Modern transformations in Western theatrical performance
Main books and papers:
◆Engeki no kadai (Topics in drama) (coauthor, Sankeisha, 2011)
◆Eiga no naka no nihonbashi (5): isshin tasuke ha asahi wo se ni nihonbashi wo wataru: “iemitsu to hikoza to isshin tasuke” (1961) no haikei ni aru mono (“Nihon-bashi on screen [5]: Tasuke Isshin crosses over the Nihon-bashi Bridge with the Rising Sun: On Iemitsu, Hikoza,and Tasuke Isshin (1961)”) (Nihonbashi-gaku kenkyu, 2012)(Study of Nihonbasi, 2012)
◆“‘Hamlet’ no fukanosei: meieruhorido to tarukofusukii no jitsugen shinakatta ‘hamuretto’ wo megutte (“The impossibility of Hamle’: on Meyerhold and Tarkovsky’s unfinished Hamlets”) (Meiji University Bungeikenkyu, 2010)
◆Jackson, Russell, ed., Shakespeare on Film (cotranslator, Kaibunsha, 2004)
◆Mouri, Mitsuya, ed., Engekiron no henbo (Transformations of Theatre (cotranslator, Ronsosha, 2007)