Research fields:
Cognitive science; philosophy of science; science, technology, and society studies
Research themes:
Studies on cognitive illusions, and science literacy
[Keywords] Pseudo-science, science communication
Main books and papers:
◆“The Mind and Cognitive Informatics – Make Robots, and Learn about Humans” (Keiso Shobo, 2006)
◆“What Kind of Creature is Man? – Probing the Mysteries of Mind, Brain, and Awareness” (Chikuma Shinsho, 2012)
◆“Parapsychology – The Sealed Science of Extraordinary Phenomena” (Kinoykuniya Company, 2012)
◆“Introduction: The Thinking behind Mind Science – The Controversy in Modern Philosophy over Science of the Mind” (co-authorship, Shin-yo-sha, 2004)