Research fields:
Japanese modern literature
Research themes:
Relation between modernization and literature representation
Relation between nationalism or postwar democracy and literature discourse (recent years)
City, gender, and single people
Main books and papers:
◆“Kaii to Nashonarizumu” (Mystery and Nationalism) (Joint authorship) Seikyusha, 2021
◆“‘Rondonto’ Ronshu, Soseki no Mita Fukei” (Essays on “The Tower of London” Landscape Seen by Soseki) (Joint authorship) Izumi Shoin, 2021
◆“Ronshu Higuchi Ichiyo 5” (Essays on Ichiyo Higuchi 5) (Joint authorship) Ofu, 2017
◆“Kaii to wa Dare ka” (Who Is a Monster?) (Joint authorship) Seikyusha, 2016
◆“Ibunka Taiken to shite no Daitoshi – Rondon Soshite Tokyo” (Big Cities as an Intercultural Experience – London and Tokyo) (Joint authorship) Institute of Humanities, Meiji University, 2003
◆“Natsume Soseki – X Naru Jinsei –” (Soseki Natsume – Life as X –) NHK Publishing, 2000, etc.