Research fields:
Historical demography, family sociology
Research themes:
Regionality in the Population and Families of the Tokugawa Period
Main books and papers:
◆“Shumon Aratame-cho Kara Mita ‘Kazoku’ no Jitsugensei” (The Realizability of ‘Families’ as Seen from the Religious Sect Registry) (Joint author) Shakaigaku Hyoron, vol. 69, issue 3, pp. 287-302, Nihon Shakaigakkai, 2018
◆“Kazoku Kenkyu no Saizensen 2 Deai to Kekkon: Dai 9-sho, ‘Kindai Ikouki ni okeru Seinan Nihon-gata Kekkon Pattern no Hen’yo’ tanto” (The Frontline of Family Studies 2: Matchmakings and Marriages, responsible for “Chapter 9: Transformation of the Southwestern Japan Marriage Pattern during the Transition to the Modern Age”) (Co-author) Nihon Keizai Hyouronsha, 2017
◆“Kinsei Seinan Kaison no Kazoku to Chiikisei: Rekishi Jinkogaku kara Kindai no Hajimari wo Tou” (Families and Regionality of a Southwestern Japan Sea Village in the Early Modern Period: A Discussion on the Beginning of the Modern Period from a Historical Demography Perspective) (Single author) Minerva Shobo, 2016