Research fields:
Sociology, urban and architectural theories
Research themes:
Theoretical and empirical research on cities and media, architecture and society
Urban and spatial theories of Henri Lefebvre and Situationists, sociology of architecture and architects, transformation of spatial experience through informatization
Main books and papers:
◆“Hitori Kukan no Toshiron” (Urban Theory of Solitary Space) Chikuma Shinsho, 2018
◆“Shogyo Kukan ha Nanno Yume wo Mitaka” (What did the Commercial Space Dream about?) (Joint authorship) Heibonsha, 2016
◆“Kenchiku no Kiwa” (Border of Architecture) (Editor) Heibonsha, 2010
◆“Bunkajin toha Nanika?” (What is a Cultured Person?) (Joint editorship) Tokyo Shoseki, 2010