Research fields:
International Political Economy, International Trade Policy, and Asian Economy
Research themes:
Analysis of East Asian Regional Economic Cooperation, the New World Economic Order, and the Capitalist Market Economy
[Keywords] Sekai Keizai Chitsujo (World Economic Order), Globalization, and Chiiki Keizai Kyoryoku (Regional Economic Cooperation)
Main books and papers:
◆“Chikyu Keizai Nyumon” (Textbook of Global Economy) (Coauthor) Horitsu Bunkasha, scheduled to be published in January 2021
◆“Fair Trade Business Models no Aratana Tenkai: SDGs Jidai ni Mukete” (New Developments in Fair Trade Business Models: Toward the SDGs Era) (Coauthor) Akashi Shoten, 2018
◆“Ajiakyoudoutaikouso to Chiikikyouryoku no Tenkai” (Concept of an Asian Community and Development of Regional Cooperation) (Coauthor) Bunshindo, 2018
◆“Bouekinyumon-Sekai to Nihon ga Mietekuru” (Textbook of International Trade: Understanding the World and Japan (Coauthor and coeditor) Otsuki Shoten, 2017
◆“Shin Ajia Keizairon: Chugoku to Ajia Consensus no Mosaku” (New Asian Economy: China and Asia Consensus (Coauthor and coeditor) Bunshindo in 2016