Research fields:
Soft robotics, Machine learning, bio-inspired robot, remote avatar
Research themes:
Development of inflatable robots, design of flexible mechanism, control of soft robots
Main books and papers:
◆Blower-Powered Soft Inflatable Joints for Physical Human-Robot Interaction. Frontiers in robotics and AI 8, pp.720683-720683 (Joint authorship), 2021
◆poimo: Portable and Inflatable Mobility Devices Customizable for Personal Physical Characteristics. The 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) pp.912-pp.923 (Joint authorship), 2020
◆“Yawarakai Robotto” (Soft Robots) Kaneko Shobo, 2018
◆Pouch Motors: Printable Soft Actuators Integrated with Computational Design SOFT ROBOTICS 2(2),pp.59-70 (Joint authorship), 2015