Research fields:
Political thought, History of European political and social thought, modern thought
Research themes:
Studies on Michel-Foucault, history of social solidarity
Michel Foucault, Solidarity, Governmentality
Main books and papers:
◆“Touji no kousoushi – Fuko Kougi 1978-79” (History of the Conflicts of Governmentality – Foucault’s Lecture 1978-79) Keiso Shobo
◆“Shakai Keiyaku-ron – Hobbuzu, Hyumu, Roruzu” (Social Contract Theory – Hobbes, Hume, Rousseau, Rawls) Chikuma Shinsho
◆“Renkei no Tetsugaku I – Furansu Shakai Renkei Shugi” (Philosophy of Solidarity I – French Solidalism) Keiso Shobo
◆“Fuko no Ana – Toukeigaku to Touji no Gendai” (Being Michel Foucault: Statistics and Governmentality) Bokutakusha