Research fields:
Advertising theory, theory of consumer behavior, and marketing research
Research themes:
On the theme of the impact that various information of marketing communications such as advertising has on consumers’ product evaluation, establishing the theoretical model to subsume and explain the phenomena and conducting empirical research.
Main books and papers:
◆Does Malicious Envy of E-WOM Receivers Towards Senders Result in Avoidance of the Recommended Product? -A Regulatory Focus Theory Perspective- (Joint authorship) Japan Marketing Journal Vo. 38 No. 2, 68-78, 2018
◆“Hoken-kino-shokuhin no Kenko-message ni-kansuru Jisho-kenkyu: Kenko-zoshin to Shippei-yobo ni Chakumoku-shite” (Empirical Research on the Health Message of Food with Health Claims: With a Focus on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention) (Sole author) Journal of New Market Creation, 6, 5-15, 2017
◆“Impacts of the FoSHU (Food for Specified Health Uses) system on food evaluations in Japan,” (Joint authorship) Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(7), 542-550, 2015
◆“Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance” (Joint translation) Pearson Kirihara K.K., 2011
◆“Dictionary of Marketing and Communication” (Joint authorship) Sendenkaigi, 2006