Research fields:
Cultural geography, History of geographical thought
Research themes:
Urban space and corporeality, regional identity, folk geography
landscape, places, street, identity
Main books and papers:
◆“Tokyo Orimpikku ni mukete Kangaeru – Gurobaruka, Toshi/Chiiki Kaihatsu, Sekyurithi” (Thinking about the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games: Globalization, Urban and Regional Development, and Security) (Joint authorship) E-Journal GEO Volume 13, Issue 1, 2018
◆“1980 Nendai no ‘Ura-Harajuku’ – Bunka Chirigakuteki Kaiko” (“Ura-Harajuku” in the 1980s: Retrospection from the Viewpoint of Cultural Geography) Chiri (Geography) No. 729, 2016
◆Jimbun Chirigaku eno Shotai (Invitation to Human Geography) (Joint authorship) Minerva Shobo, 2015
◆“‘Machiaruki’ no Shigaku ni mukete – Zentei to Bunmyaku” (Premise and contextual sketch for poetics of flaneur) Sundai Shigaku (Sundai Historical Review) No.151, 2014
◆“Basho no Keifugaku Saikou – Aruiwa Fukei no Betsu no Yomikata ni tsuite” (Rethinking about the Genealogy of Places: Another way to Read Landscapes) Rekishi Chirigaku (Historical Geography) Vol.54 No.1, 2012