Research fields:
Geomorphology, physiography
Research themes:
Geomorphological study on the formation and development of mountain wetlands
Wetlands, volcanoes, landslides, climate change
Main books and papers:
◆“Mountain Wetland Distributions Controlled by Landforms and Snow Depth at Quaternary Volcanoes in Northeastern Japan: Assessing the Vulnerability of Wetlands to Reduced Snowfall” (Joint authorship) Wetlands 42, 126, 2022
◆“Holocene development of mountain wetlands within and outside of landslide in the Hachimantai volcanic group, northeastern Japan” (Joint authorship) Quaternary International 471, pp.345-358, 2018
◆“Wetland formation associated with development of a large-scale landslide in Mt. Funagata, NE Japan” (Joint authorship) Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union 39-1, pp. 67-82, 2018