Research fields:
Constitutional Law
Research themes:
Theory and practice in Constitutional Law, the personal information protection system, Tokuzo Fukuda’s theory of right to live
Main books and papers:
◆“Fukko Keizai no Genri oyobi Jakkan Mondai” (Principle of Reconstruction Economy and Some Issues) (editor and author, “Fukuda Tokuzo Chosakushu” (Tokuzo Fukuda Writings) Volume 17, Shinzansha Publisher, 2016
◆“Fukuda Tokuzo ‘Kokutairon’ Sairon: Hobbuzu ‘Rivaiasan’ to ‘Mo Hitotsu no Rikkenshugi’”(Re-discussion of Tokuzo Fukuda’s ‘National Polity Theory’: Hobbes’ ‘Leviathan’ and ‘Another Form of Constitutionalism’), (“Kenpo no Shiso to Hatten: Urata Ichiro Sensei Koki Kinen” (Idea and Development of the Constitution in commemoration of 70th birthday of Professor Ichiro Urata) Shinzansha Publisher, 2017
◆“Fukuda Tokuzo to Shutain no ‘Shakai Oseiron Sairon’” (Tokuzo Fukuda and Stein’s ‘Re-discussion of Social Monarchy Theory’), “Kenpogaku no Sozoteki Tenkai: Tonami Koji Sensei Koki Kinen” (Creative Development of Constitutional Law) in commemoration of 70th birthday of Professor Koji Tonami) Shinzansha Publisher, 2017
◆“A Study of the History of Environmental Law in Japan from the Viewpoint of Public Law: The Functional Change of Iriai and Public Waters Environmental Protection” (“Memoirs of Institute of Social Sciences” 54 (2), Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University, 2016
◆“Life, Living and Health in a Large-Scale Disaster: The Theory of the Right to Environment after the Accident at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant of 3.11” (Japan Public Law Association’s “Public Law Review”) Yuhikaku Publishing, 2014