Research fields:
Administrative law, Environmental law
Research themes:
Legal control of administrative inaction, Analysis of nuclear administration and its legal control
Main books and papers:
◆“Genshiryoku-anzen-kisei no Hoteki-hyoka to Sono Kadai” (Legal Assessment and Issues of Nuclear Safety Regulation) (“The Horitsu Jiho” 93. 3. 41-46, 2021)
◆“Kankyo-risuku-gyosei ni okeru ‘Toki no Sairyou’ no Houteki-tousei” (The Law of “Not Now” on Environmental Risk Regulation) (“Review of Administrative Law” 34. 87-116, 2020)
◆“Jichi-rippouken no Saihakken” (Rediscovery of Autonomous Legislative Power) (Joint authorship, DAI-ICHI HOKI, 2020)
◆“Fukushima-genshiryoku-saigai kara no Fukusengata-fukko” (Multiple-track Recovery from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster) (Author and editor, MINERVA SHOBO, 2019)
◆“Kisei-kengen-hatsudo-seikyu-seido no Hoteki-seishitsu to Kengen-fukoshi ni taisuru Shihoteki-kyusai”(Study on the legal status of regulatory petition and judicial relief under regulatory inaction)
(“Sophia Law Review” 62. 3=4. 225-338, 2019)