Research fields:
Chinese philosophy, Chinese literature and thought
Research themes:
Chinese philosophy, Chinese literature
Modern Chinese philosophy, Classical Prose Movement in the Tang and Song Dynasty
Main books and papers:
◆“Dokokara Dokoe: Genshogaku no Ikyotekitenkai” (From Elsewhere to Elsewhere: Four Phenomenological Essays) (Joint authorship) Chisen Shokan, 2021
◆“不可磨滅的儒教:大西祝的儒教観”『日本倫理観与儒家伝統』 National Taiwan Normal University Press, 2017
◆“Sei to Kyo: Seijin, Shinjin, Kyosha” (Sagehood and Insanity: Sage, True person, and Insane person) (Joint authorship) Hosei University Press, 2016
◆“Tetsugaku kara Jinsei-tetsugaku e – Ri Sekishin o Michibiki toshite” (From Philosophy to a Philosophy of Life: With Reference to Li Shicen) Bulletin of the Sinological Society of Japan 65, 2013