Research fields:
Public finance, international comparison of public finance
Research themes:
Study of anti-welfarist trend in Denmark
Main books and papers:
◆“Environmental Taxes in Nordic Countries: The Danish Experiences with CO2 Taxes” Economia Vol. 69, The Economic Society of Yokohama, 2019
◆“Zeigen Henzai Zesei no Kozu o Yomitoku (Tokushu: Donaru Zeigen Henzai Zesei Mondai)” (Understanding the Structure of Rectification of Uneven Distribution of Tax Revenue Sources) The Toshi Mondai (Municipal Problems) Vol. 109, December, pp. 65-74, The Tokyo Institute for Municipal Research, 2018
◆“Denmaku niokeru ‘Nozeisha no Hanran’ no Kenkyu: Chiho Zeisei ni Chakumokushite” (A Study on the tax revolt in Denmark: Focusing on Local Taxation Systems) The Toshi Mondai (Municipal Problems) Vol. 109, June, pp. 91-105, The Tokyo Institute for Municipal Research, 2018
◆“Worlds of Taxation The Political Economy of Taxing, Spending, and Redistribution Since 1945”
(Co-author) Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
◆“Welfare and Tax System by Anti-Immigration Party in Denmark: The Case of Tax Reform in 2004” Japanese Journal of Northern European Studies Vol. 14, pp.1-11, Japanese Association for Northern European Studies, 2018