Research fields:
Sociology (social philosophy, sociology)
Research themes:
Sociology of science (the public and specialized science), critical social theories
[Keywords] Communication, recognition, the modernization of society
Main books and papers:
◆“Habermas—Rodo to Komyunikeshon” (Habermas: labor and communication) posse, vol. 38, pp. 196-213, Horinouchi Publishing, 2018
◆“The Frankfurt Institute for Social Research in the Contemporary Era: Interruption and Inheritance of Critical Theory as an Institution” Journal of Information and Communication Studies, no. 16, pp. 17-30. School of Information and Communication, Meiji University, 2016
◆“Kokoro no Enhansumento Toshiteno “Noryoku” Ron” (An essay on brain power as mind enhancement) Kagakuka Suru Nichijo no Shakaigaku (Sociology of the permeation of science into daily life) edited by Tetsuo Nishiyama, pp. 163-194, Sekaishisosha, 2013
◆“Jizen Niyoru Kifu ka, Shonin Toshiteno Saibunpai ka?” (Donation out of benevolence or redistribution as recognition?) Deutschstudien, vol. 45, pp. 166-176, Japanese Society for German Studies, 2011
◆“Komyunikeshon no Episutemoroji he” (Toward the epistemology of communication) Shakaigaku kenkyu, vol. 78, pp. 95-117, Tohoku Sociology Study Group, 2005