Research fields:
International marketing and international business management
Research themes:
Integration of R&D and marketing in new product development projects of multinational companies
Main books and papers:
◆“Kokusai Shinseihin Kaihatsu Purojekuto no Kino Togo Manejimento Kenkyu: Kokusai Maketeingu Kenkyu no Kanten kara” (Study on Integrated Functional Management for Global New Product Development Projects: From the Perspective of International Marketing Research), Hakuoh Daigaku ronshu, 35(1), pp. 1-18, 2020
◆“Mirai no Takokuseki Kigyo: Shijo no Henka kara Senryaku no Kakushin, soshite Riron no Shinka” (Future Multinational Companies: From Market Change to Strategic Innovation and to Theoretical Evolution) (Joint authorship) Bunshindo Publishing Corporation, 2020
◆“Kokusai Maketeingu Keipabiritei: Senryaku Keikaku kara Jikko Noryoku e” (International Marketing Capabilities: From Strategic Planning to Execution Ability (Joint authorship) DOBUNKAN SHUPPAN. Co., Ltd., 2019