Research fields:
Research on the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, internal control, and U.S. SEC
Research themes:
The ideal of systems for corporate governance as viewed from the perspective of capital market law
[Keywords] Internal control, compliance, capital market law, corporate
Main books and papers:
◆“Jiko Shufukugata Gabanansu eno Izanai—Kaisha Hou, Naibu Tousei Kisei, Koueki Tsuhousha Hogohou no Yukiteki Renkei no Kanousei (Proposal for Self-sustaining-style of Governance : Possibility of interconnective and cooperative relationship between the Companies Act, Internal Control Regulations, and the Whistleblower Protection Act)” Houritsu Jiho, Vol. 86, No. 3 (Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2013)
◆“Dodd and Frank-hou niokeru Naibu Kokuhatsusha Houshoukin Puroguramu to Sono Shihonshijou Kiseiteki Igi” (The Whistleblowers Incentive Program in the Dodd-Frank Act and Its Significance in Capital Market Regulations) (“Shoken Keizai Kenkyu” Vol. 76, Japan Securities Research Institute, 2011)
◆“SOX-hou Seiteigo no Naibutousei no Tenkai to Torishimariyaku no Kanshi Gimu” (Internal Control Development and Directors’ Oversight Duty after the Enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) (Coauthor, “Present Status of Comparative Corporate Law: The Theory and Issues – For Professor Takuma Ishiyama and Professor Tatsuo Uemura’s 60th Birthday Commemoration” Seibundoh Publishing, 2011)
◆“Kaigai Kogaisha Tou niokeru Zoushuwai Risuku to Naibu Tousei” (Bribery Risks and Internal Control at Overseas Subsidiaries, etc.) (Coauthor, “Internal Control in Group” Dobunkan Shuppan, 2016)
◆“Beikoku niokeru Kaiteiban ERM ga Oyobosu Torishimariyakukai no Kantoku Kinou eno Eikyou—Shihon Shijou Houteki Shiten kara” (Revised ERM Framework’s Impact on the Supervisory Function of Board of Directors in the U.S – from the Perspective of Capital Market Law) (Coauthor, “Legislation for Listed Companies and Capital Market Doctrine – For Professor Tatsuo Uemura’s 70th Birthday Commemoration” SHOJIHOMU, 2019)
◆“Naibu Tousei no Houteki Kenkyu” (Legal Approach on Internal Control) (Sole author, Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2005) (Awarded the Osumi Kenichiro Prize, the Aoki Prize, and the Academic Award)