Research fields:
History of social thought, history of social movement, modern German history, history of anarchism, history of immigrants
Research themes:
Study of thoughts and social movements created by people who cross national boundaries
History of social thoughts, anarchism, German history
Main books and papers:
◆“Josei no Kaiho to Anakizumu – Ema Gorudoman, Ito Noe, Soshite Rojava Kakumei ni Shoten wo Atete” (Women’s Emancipation and Anarchism: Focusing on Emma Goldman, Noe Ito and Revolution in Rojava) The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research 759, pp 22-35, 2022
◆“Shakai-undo no Gurobaru Hisutori – Kyomei-suru Hito to Shiso” (Global History of Social Movement – Resonant people and thoughts) Minerva Shobo, 2018
◆“Doitsu Anakizumu no Seiritsu – ‘Furaihaito’ ha to Sono Shiso” (The Making of German Anarchism: “Freiheit” Fraction and their Thought) Ochanomizu Shobo, 2002