Research fields:
Medical law
Research themes:
Issues related to the medical practice among medical staff, the nursing system, and doctor-patient relations (particularly theory of informed consent); issues related to emergency medicine (particularly emergency transportation systems)
Main books and papers:
◆“Gakusaiteki gakumon no ijihogaku: Ijihogaku no aidentiti wo motomete” (“Medical law as an interdisciplinary field: Seeking an identity for medical law”), in Yuichiro Sato and Tomoyo Konishi, eds., I to ho no kaiko dai-1-shu (“Encounters between medicine and law, vol. 1”), pp. 3-42 (Shogakusya, 2014)
◆“Iryo anzen to purofesshon: Minjiho no tachiba kara” (“Medical safety and the profession: From a civil law perspective”) Journal of Medical Law, vol. 26, 163-171 (2011)
◆“Ikoi wo meguru seidoronteki doko: Konnichi no kangoseido kaikaku no doko wo chushin ni” (“Systemic trends in medical practice: Centered on today’s nursing system reforms”), in Study of the Ways of the Public Law Discipline which Aims to Ensure the Security of Patient in Medical Care, Nursing and Nursing Care (2010)
◆“Konnichi no kyukyuiryo wo meguru hoteki shomondai: Hanso seido wo meguru mondai wo chushin ni” (“Legal issues in contemporary critical care: Centered on issues related to transportation systems”), Journal of Japan Society for Critical Care Medicine, vol. 23, pp. 31-35 (2009)
“Infomudo konsento” (“Informed consent”), in Katsunori Kai, ed., Bridgebook: Medical law, pp. 29-39 (Shinzansha, 2008)
◆“Keiyaku ni yoru fukushi to jigyosha no odaku gimu: Ishi no osho gimu wo ruihi shite” (“Welfare under contract and businesses’ duty of consent: As analogous to a doctor’s duty of consent”), in Makoto Arai, Miyo Akimoto, et al, eds., Fukushi keiyaku to riyosha no kenri yogo (“Welfare contracts and protection of users’ rights”), pp. 1-22 (Kajo, 2006)
◆“Iryo seido kaikau to kango no yukue (dai 1-3-kai)” (“Reforms to the medical system and the future of nursing [parts 1-3]”), Japanese Journal of Nursing, vol. 70, no. 10 pp. 938-942, no. 11 pp. 1046-1051, no. 12 pp. 1148-1154 (2006)