Research fields:
Relationships between companies
Research themes:
Research on innovation-generating relationships between companies and highly inclusive organizations
Main books and papers:
◆“The impact of workplace diversity on innovation: The moderating effect of transactive memory and inclusive climate”, International Journal of Organizational Business Excellence, Vol.5, No.2, pp.13-22, 2022.
◆“Nichiei Keitaidenwa Meka no Reddo Kuingata Kyoso” (Red Queen Competition between Japanese and British Cell Phone Manufacturers) Eikoku no Shoso (Aspects of Britain) (Edited and written by HIRAOKA Yoshiyuki et al), pp. 130-146, Soseisha, 2022
◆“Kaiteiban Sutandado Kigyo Ron” (Revised Edition of Standard Corporate Theory) Dobunkan Shuppan, 2015
◆“Theory and Empirical Analysis of Interfirm Alliances” Dobunkan Shuppan, 2007