Research fields:
Research on Japanese and German language and culture, sociolinguistics, stylistics, cross-cultural communication
Research themes:
Surveying and analyzing modern German vocabularies and sentence styles in comparison with Japanese, based on the history of language and culture
Language variants, stylistics, interaction
Main books and papers:
◆“Shiko to Kankaku no Kakehashi wo Kokoromiru ― Gengo Shiso-shi, Gengo-gaku kara no Apurochi” (Toward Bridging Thought and Sense: An approach from the History of Language Philosophy and Linguistics) Bungei Kenkyu (Literary Research) No. 152, Bulletin of the School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University, March 2024
◆“Begegnung mit dem ,Fremdenʼ. Übersetzung als Problem der Hermeneutik und der interkulturellen Kommunikation”, Brückenschläge. Linguistik an den Schnittstellen, narr/francke/attempto, 2022
◆“Tekusuto Gengo-gaku, Jisho-gaku kara Mita Buntai-ron no Shatei ― ‘Buntai/ Sutairu’ no Teigi wo Motomete” (The Scope of Stylistics from the Perspective of Text Linguistics and Lexicology: Defining of Style) ENERGEIA No. 44, Arbeitkreis für deutsche Grammatik, July 2019
◆“Doitsu-go no Shakai Goyo-ron” (German Sociopragmatics) (Joint authorship and editorship) Hitsuzi Shobo Publishing, February 2014
◆“Deiri Nichi-Doku Ei-Doku Nichi-Ei Jiten” (Daily Japanese-German-English Dictionary) (Supervising editor) Sanseido, June 2004