Research fields:
Marketing, Marketing research
Research themes:
Generation and transmission of information in the market, modeling of the market as a time and space for value co-creation
[keywords] Market dynamics, research ethics, value co-creation
Main books and papers:
◆“Maketing risachi katsudo ni taisuru shohisha-doi no yobiteki-kosatsu – doi no fuhon-isa no kanten kara” (Preliminary study on consumer consent to marketing research activities – from the viewpoint of the unwillingness of consent) (A journal of JMDA) (Japan Management Diagnosis Association (JMDA), 2019)
◆“Personal Data Sensitivity in Japan: An exploratory study” (Orbit Journal, 2018)
◆“Kachi-kyoso niokeru shiyou-bunmyaku deta no kigyo-kan kyoyu: maketingu-risachi rinri no shiten kara” (Inter-firm sharing of use-context data in value co-creation) (A journal of JSIM) (Japan Society for Information and Management (JSIM), 2017)
◆“Chiiki dezain moderu no kenkyu – riron-kochiku notameno kihon to tenkai” (Research on zone design model – basics and development for theory building) (Gakubunsha 2020)