Research fields:
Technology/Globalization and society, Social system design, Theory of social organizational culture, Theory of knowledge-based management
Research themes:
Digital technology and modern society, System design for future Japanese society, Acceptance of globalization by Japanese businesses and individuals, Japanese way of innovation
Main books and papers:
◆“Tsuyokunaru Nihonjin, Botsurakusuru Nihon” (Strengthened Japanese, Falling Japan) (Sakurasha, 2014)
◆“2050, Rojin Taikoku no genjitsu” (2050:Reality of Aging Society of Japan) (Toyo Keizai Inc., 2012)
◆“Nihongata Inobeshon no susume” (A Way of Japanese Innovation) (NIKKEI, 2009)
◆“Nantonaku, Nihonjin” (Being a Japanese without Any Reason) (PHP Shinsho, 2006)
◆“Nihonteki kaikaku no tankyu” (A Japanese Way of Reform) (NIKKEI, 2003)
◆“CNC nettowaku kakumei” (Cyber Network Computing Revolution) (Toyo Keizai Inc., 2002)