Research fields:
Information Law and E-Government Study
Research themes:
Protection of Privacy and Personal Information, E-Voting Law, Cyber Security Law
Main books and papers:
◆“Yubin/Denshi Tohyo de Minshu Shugi no Dejitaru-ka wa Kasoku Suruka” (Can Postal/electronic Voting Accelerate the Digitalization of Democracy?) ‘Diplomacy’ No. 66, p.122-p.125, 2021
◆“Minji Sosho no IT-ka o Jitsugen Suru Shisutemu to Sekyuriti” (System and Security to Realize IT Introduction in Civil Suits) ‘Jurist’ 2020 December Issue, p.70-p.75, 2020
◆“Hisaichi kara Kangaeru Nihon no Senkyo–Joho Gijutsu Katsuyo no Kanosei o Chushin ni–” (Japan’s Election from the Perspective of Disaster-affected Areas–Possibility of Utilization of Information Technology–) (Joint authorship) Tohoku University Press, Sendai, 2013
◆“A Consideration of the 2007 Upper House Election in Japan” Journal of Asian Women’s Study. vol.16, pp97-102, 2008
◆“Denshi-ka Shakai no Seiji to Seido” (Politics and System of Computerized Society) Ofours, 2006