Research fields:
Politics, international relations
Research themes:
Global governance and development, regionalism, state-border issues in Africa
Main books and papers:
◆“New Perspectives on the African State Borders” Review of Governance Studies No. 16, Meiji University Graduate School of Governance Studies, 2020
◆“Micro-Regionalism in Southern Africa” (Meiji Journal of Governance Studies, Vol.5. 2020)
◆“China, Japan and Global Governance: Contested Ideas and Regimes,” Social Science Research Network, Elsevier, 2018
◆“Local Governance” (Coauthor) ‘61 Books to Understand Development Politics’ Akashi Shoten, 2018
◆“Global Governance and the Rise of BRICS” Review of Governance Studies No. 13, Meiji University Graduate School of Governance Studies, 2017
◆“Thoughts on Comparative Regionalism” Review of Governance Studies No. 12, Meiji University Graduate School of Governance Studies, 2016
◆“Global Governance niokeru Kaihatsu to Seiji, Shinpan” (Development and Politics in Global Governance, New edition) Akashi Shoten, 2016