Research fields:
Manga cultural/gender theory, development of shojo manga/comparative comics
Research themes:
Changes in women’s consciousness over time as seen in shojo manga, history of development of means of expression, transgender expression in manga, international comparison of comics (including distribution conditions, controls on expression, and copyright issues)
Main books and papers:
◆Kiwakiwa (Akishobo, 2013)
◆Where is the Place for Me? (Asahi Bunko, 2008)
◆Pleasure Current (Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 1999)
◆The Spirit of Shojo Manga (Hakusensha, 2000)
◆A Review of Love (Bungeishunju, 2006)
◆“A look at issues related to regulation of harmful information: Centered on the proposed revisions to Tokyo
ordinances to regulate depictions of fictitious youths,” in Law and Computer, no. 29
◆“Makoto Takahashi as the source of shojo manga,” in Manga Studies, vol. 9
◆“Women in NARUTO, women reading NARUTO” Manga’s Cultural Crossroads (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies) Routledge, U.K. (trans.: Jaqueline Berndt)
◆“Historical Shojo Manga: On Women’s Alleged Dislike” International Journal of Comic Art, 13-2, U.S.A. (trans.: Jaqueline Berndt)