Research fields:
Institutional investors and corporate governance, ESG investing by institutional investors
Main books and papers:
◆“Higashi Ajia to Asean Shokoku no Koporeto Gabanansu” (Corporate Governance in East Asia and ASEAN Countries) Zeimukeiri Kyokai Co., Ltd., 2016
◆“Corporate Governance in Japan” (Joint author) Springer-Verlag Tokyo, Inc, 2006
◆“Kinyu Hegemoni to Koporeto Gabanansu” (Financial Hegemony and Corporate Governance) (Joint author) Zeimukeiri Kyokai Co., Ltd., 2005
◆“Kikan Toshika no Hatten to Koporeto Gabanansu” (Development of Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance) Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 1996