
Are Nobel Peace Prize laureates disturbers of peace?

The Nobel Peace Prize 2022 was awarded to human rights organizations and a human rights activist from Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. Since pe ...

Marketing is to make selling unnecessary

In this modern age of an increasingly globalized marketplace, the presence of Japanese companies that once dominated the global market is sa ...

Can Target Cost Management create innovation?

It is said that the international presence of Japanese industry has greatly decreased in recent years. One of the reasons is that innovation ...

ESG investing is a first step toward encouraging innovation

These days, we often hear the words ESG investment and ESG management. This is a part of the trend of SDGs. So, how does companies’ commitme ...

Can “manufacturing” by retailers reform retail business!?

In Japan, our lives changed as the distribution revolution progressed from 1960s to 1970s. Studying history can help us understand what happ ...

Decide what our company should be for ourselves – Brand Purpose

Modern society is unstable and complicated, has many vague parts, and has become a society in which unexpected things happen suddenly. In su ...

Interview with the CEO of Volvo Car Japan: Future of the Automotive Industry and the Importance of Branding

The automotive industry, which has been leading Japanese industry, is now undergoing a drastic change amid the surge of globalization. The ...

KAM helps us understand companies and environmental changes

Beginning with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, listed companies are required to include Key Audit Matters (KAM) in their auditor’s rep ...

The mindset on subsidies should be changed

The Japanese government and local governments offer various subsidies to companies, organizations, or individuals. However, some of these su ...